
更新时间:2023-09-06 20:38:02 作者:通达百科


1. The phrase "只言片语" in English can be translated as "a few words" or "a few phrases". It refers to expressing something briefly or using only a few words to convey a message.

2. In everyday conversations, we often use "a few words" to express the idea of saying something briefly or using a limited number of words. For example, when we say "let me say a few words about this topic", it means we are going to speak briefly and concisely.

3. The phrase "a few phrases" can also be used to describe the act of expressing ideas or thoughts using a limited number of pre-existing phrases or quotes. It can be seen as a way to convey meaning or evoke emotions through familiar expressions. For instance, when giving a speech, someone might use a few well-known phrases to add impact and engage the audience.

4. "A few words" and "a few phrases" can also be used in writing, such as in a newspaper or magazine article that provides a brief summary or introduces a topic succinctly. In this context, these phrases serve as attention-grabbers or teasers to entice readers to continue reading.

5. In conclusion, "只言片语" can be translated into English as "a few words" or "a few phrases." These expressions are commonly used to convey a message briefly or with a limited number of words, either in spoken or written form.



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