
更新时间:2023-06-16 15:29:31 作者:通达百科

长征时间起点和终点1. 长征时间起点和终点

The Long March, also known as the Red Army's Long March, was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China, the forerunner of the People's Liberation Army, to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang (KMT) army. It began on October 16, 1934, and ended on October 19, 1935, covering a distance of over 9,000 kilometers (5,600 miles) from Jiangxi province in southern China to Yan'an in northern China.

2. The starting point

The starting point of the Long March was in Ruijin, Jiangxi province, which was the stronghold of the Chinese Communist Party at the time. The KMT army had launched a series of encirclement and suppression campaigns against the Red Army, and the situation was becoming increasingly dire. The decision to launch the Long March was made by the Party's leadership in the face of this critical situation.

3. The route

The Long March was a grueling trek through difficult terrain, including rivers, swamps, and mountains. The route taken by the Red Army was not a direct one; rather, it was a zigzagging path that was designed to throw off the pursuing KMT forces. The Long March was divided into three main sections: the first section was from Jiangxi to Guizhou, the second section was from Guizhou to Sichuan, and the final section was from Sichuan to Shaanxi and finally Yan'an.

4. The end point

The end point of the Long March was Yan'an, a remote city in northern China that became the new base for the Chinese Communist Party. The journey took a year and covered a distance of over 9,000 kilometers. Along the way, the Red Army had to fight battles with the KMT forces and overcome the challenges of food shortages, disease, and harsh weather conditions. The Long March was a turning point in Chinese history and paved the way for the ultimate victory of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949.

The Long March was an epic journey that tested the endurance, resilience, and determination of the Red Army. The Long March became a symbol of the Chinese Communist Party's spirit of revolution, sacrifice, and perseverance. It remains an important part of Chinese history and continues to inspire generations of Chinese people to this day.




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