
更新时间:2023-07-05 15:37:08 作者:通达百科


1. 英文名字大全女生

Giving your baby girl an English name is a popular choice for parents around the world. English names are often picked for their uniqueness and elegance. For those who are looking for inspiration, we have compiled a comprehensive list of beautiful and meaningful English names for girls.

2. Classic English Names

Classic English names are timeless and elegant choices for girls. Some of the most popular classic names include Elizabeth, Victoria, Katherine, and Charlotte. These names have been passed down for generations and offer a sense of tradition and sophistication.

3. Modern English Names

Modern English names are more unique and creative for girls. Some of the most popular modern names include Harper, Audrey, Piper, and Luna. These names offer a sense of personality and individuality, and they're perfect for parents who want something more modern and trendy for their baby.

4. Meaningful English Names

Meaningful English names are perfect for girls who want to give their child a name that carries a deeper significance. Some of the most popular meaningful names include Grace, Hope, Faith, and Joy. These names offer a sense of emotional strength and positivity, and they're perfect for parents who want to inspire their child and give them a strong foundation.

5. Unisex English Names

Unisex English names are gender-neutral and can be used for both boys and girls. Some of the most popular unisex names include Sage, Rowan, Phoenix, and Quinn. These names offer a sense of equality and diversity, and they're perfect for parents who want to break traditional gender roles and give their child a name that's unique and meaningful.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, choosing an English name for your baby girl is a great way to give them a sense of elegance, individuality, and strength. From classic to modern, meaningful to unisex, there are countless options to choose from. We hope that this list of English names for girls has given you some inspiration and helped you find the perfect name for your bundle of joy.



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