
更新时间:2023-06-17 11:36:06 作者:通达百科


1. My name is John.

2. In English, we use the word "name" to refer to the personal label or identifier given to an individual. This label is usually given by a person's parents or guardians shortly after birth and may carry some cultural or family significance.

3. When we want to ask someone their name, we usually say "What is your name?", "May I ask your name?" or "Could you tell me your name?". The response can be in the form of "My name is [insert name here]" or simply "[insert name here]".

4. In some cultures, the way in which a person's name is formed may also carry significance. For example, in some African cultures, a person's name may be based on the day of the week on which they were born, or the circumstances surrounding their birth. In Western cultures, names are often chosen based on personal preference or family tradition.

5. In conclusion, asking someone's name and introducing oneself is a common way of initiating conversation and building relationships. It is important to be respectful and mindful of cultural differences when it comes to names and naming conventions.



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