
更新时间:2023-09-19 17:23:08 作者:通达百科


1. Half an hour is the equivalent of 30 minutes. In English, we often use the term "half an hour" to refer to a period of time that is 30 minutes long.

2. Half an hour can be used to describe various activities or events. For example, we can say "I watched TV for half an hour" or "She studied for half an hour." It is a common unit of time used to express a relatively short duration.

3. In daily life, half an hour is a convenient time frame for many tasks. For instance, we can finish a quick workout, take a short nap, or have a brief chat with a friend in half an hour.

4. If we want to emphasize the exact timing, we can use expressions like "at half past the hour" or "at 30 minutes past the hour." For example, we can say "The meeting starts at half past two" or "I will call you at 30 minutes past five."

5. Half an hour can also be used to divide a longer period of time into smaller intervals. For instance, if someone says, "We need to clean the house for an hour," we can suggest, "Let's do it in two halves, so each of us can clean for half an hour."

6. To express the duration of an activity less than half an hour, we can use expressions like "15 minutes" or "20 minutes." However, if the activity is longer than half an hour but less than an hour, we may say, "45 minutes" or "50 minutes."

7. In conclusion, half an hour is a commonly used unit of time in English. It can be used to describe various activities and is often used as a convenient time frame for completing tasks or organizing schedules.

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