
更新时间:2023-08-10 11:26:27 作者:通达百科


1. Mandarin Chinese is known for its tonal pronunciation, which means that one word can have multiple meanings depending on the tone used to pronounce it. Among all the Chinese characters, there are a considerable number of polyphonic characters, also known as homophones, which have different meanings but are pronounced the same way. One of such polyphonic characters is "磨".

2. "磨" has 4 different pronunciations, which are "mó", "mò", "mā", and "mǒ". Here, we will explore some common words that can be formed using "磨" in different pronunciations.

3. When "磨" is pronounced as "mó", it means to grind or polish. Here are some examples:

1) 磨刀 - sharpen a knife

2) 磨牙 - grind one's teeth

3) 磨墨 - grind ink

4. When "磨" is pronounced as "mò", it means to wear or rub. Here are some examples:

1) 磨损 - wear and tear

2) 磨蹭 - linger around

3) 磨合 - running in

5. When "磨" is pronounced as "mā", it means to be noisy or quarrelsome. Here are some examples:

1) 磨叽 - nagging

2) 磨磨蹭蹭 - slow and lazy

3) 磨嘴皮子 - talkative

6. When "磨" is pronounced as "mǒ", it means to grind with a stone. Here are some examples:

1) 磨坊 - mill

2) 磨盘 - grinding wheel

3) 磨沙 - sandpaper

7. In summary, "磨" is a polyphonic character in Mandarin Chinese that can be pronounced in 4 different ways. By exploring words that use "磨" in different pronunciations, we can better understand the complexity of the Chinese language and its tonal system.



1、无瑕[wúxiá]:(动)比喻没有缺点或污点:完美~|白璧~。 2、瑕疵[xiácī]:(名)微小的缺点。 3、白璧微瑕[báibìwēixiá]:洁白的玉上面有些小斑点,比喻美中不足

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