
更新时间:2023-07-11 11:04:07 作者:通达百科


1. My summer vacation has been a mix of relaxation and adventure. I started off by lounging by the pool, reading books and spending time with my family.

2. Then I decided to take things up a notch by signing up for a summer camp. It was a nature camp that took me on hikes, taught me about survival skills and let me make new friends.

3. When the camp ended, I spent a couple of weeks at home before leaving for a trip with my friends. We visited a few different cities, tried new foods and experienced new cultures.

4. One of the highlights of my summer vacation was volunteering at a local animal shelter. I got to spend time with cats and dogs, help with feeding and cleaning and even took a few of them for walks.

5. As my summer vacation comes to an end, I feel like I've grown and learned so much. From exploring nature to exploring new places and making a difference in my community, this summer has been one that I will never forget.

上一篇: boy是什么意思



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