
更新时间:2023-08-04 14:32:14 作者:通达百科


1. 一些用英语怎么读

There are many words in English that are difficult to read or pronounce because they don't follow the usual spelling rules. Here are some examples:

• Wednesday – pronounced as "wenz-day"

• Colonel – pronounced as "ker-nel"

• Queue – pronounced as "kyoo"

• Island – pronounced as "eye-land"

• Worcestershire – pronounced as "wus-ter-sher"

2. 一些用英语怎么读?

There are also some foreign words or phrases that are often used in English but may not be pronounced correctly. Here are some examples:

• C'est la vie – pronounced as "say la vee"

• Faux pas – pronounced as "foh pah"

• Déjà vu – pronounced as "day-zhah voo"

• Hors d'oeuvre – pronounced as "or-durv"

• Joie de vivre – pronounced as "zhwah deh veev-ruh"

3. 一些用英语怎么读?

There are also some words that may have different pronunciations depending on the regional dialect or accent. Here are some examples:

• Tomato – pronounced as "tuh-may-toe" (British) or "tuh-mah-toe" (American)

• Aluminium – pronounced as "al-oo-min-ee-um" (British) or "uh-loo-muh-num" (American)

• Schedule – pronounced as "shed-yool" (British) or "sked-yool" (American)

• Privacy – pronounced as "pry-vuh-see" (British) or "pry-vuh-see" (American)

4. 一些用英语怎么读?

It can be challenging to learn how to pronounce English words correctly, but with practice and exposure to different accents, it can become easier. It's also important to remember that there may be variations in pronunciation depending on the context or speaker, so it's okay to ask for clarification if you're unsure.


详细的反义词 详细的反义词是什么

详细的反义词有简要、概要、大略、简略、粗略、概况、不详、简单、概略、扼要、大体、大概。 详细的意思是详尽、完备、仔细。 “详细”一词出自司马光的《乞令六曹长官专达札子》

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10和28的最小公倍数是多少 10和28的最小公倍数是几

  10和28的最小公倍数是140。  公倍数指的是两个或多个整数公有的倍数,而最小公倍数等于它们所有的质因数的乘积。如果出现重复的质因数,则乘最多的那组,而不重复的质因数

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迸裂的拼音 迸裂的拼音及解释

1、迸裂,读音bèng liè,汉语词语,意思是裂开而往外飞溅;迸发。2、出处:明·罗贯中《三国演义》第五六回:“﹝周瑜﹞箭疮未愈,因怒气冲激。疮口迸裂,昏绝于地。”3、造句

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