
更新时间:2023-09-19 09:27:31 作者:通达百科


1. How to Say "吃晚餐" in English

When it comes to dining in the evening, the most common phrase in English is "have dinner". For example, you can say "I'm going to have dinner with my family at 7 pm."

2. Other Ways to Express "吃晚餐"

Aside from "have dinner", there are also other phrases you can use to express "吃晚餐" in English. Here are some of them:

- Eat dinner

- Dine

- Have supper

- Enjoy an evening meal

3. Vocabulary Related to Dining

To speak fluently about dining, it's important to learn the vocabulary related to it. Here are some of the most common terms:

- Appetizer: a small dish served before the main course

- Entrée: the main course of a meal

- Dessert: a sweet dish served after the main course

- Cutlery: utensils used for eating, such as forks, knives, and spoons

- Tablecloth: the cloth used to cover a dining table

4. Etiquette for Dining in English-speaking Countries

Dining etiquette varies depending on the culture. In English-speaking countries, here are some tips to follow:

- Wait to be seated

- Place your napkin on your lap

- Keep your elbows off the table

- Use cutlery appropriately

- Wait until everyone is served before starting to eat

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "have dinner" is the most commonly used phrase in English to express "吃晚餐". Learning the related vocabulary and dining etiquette in English-speaking countries will help you to communicate effectively during mealtime.




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