
更新时间:2023-07-16 15:32:40 作者:通达百科

西游记故事情节概括1. yuan shi kai was the second president of the Republic of China. Soon after he took office, he began to violate the constitution and grant himself more power. His actions led to widespread dissatisfaction and opposition.

2. In the midst of this political turmoil, a group of demons decided to take advantage of the situation and launched an attack on heaven. The Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven, summoned the Monkey King, a powerful and mischievous immortal, to help defeat the demons.

3. The Monkey King proved to be a formidable opponent for the demons, but he also caused trouble in heaven. He stole the peaches of immortality and caused a ruckus in the celestial palace, leading to his eventual banishment to earth.

4. On earth, the Monkey King encountered a Buddhist monk, Tang Sanzang, who was on a journey to retrieve sacred Buddhist scriptures. The Monkey King saw an opportunity to redeem himself and offered to accompany Tang Sanzang on his journey as protection.

5. Along their journey, Tang Sanzang faces many dangers and obstacles, from bloodthirsty demons to treacherous mountains and rivers. The Monkey King uses his magical powers to help Tang Sanzang overcome these challenges.

6. Eventually, they succeed in retrieving the scriptures and return to China, where Tang Sanzang is given an official position in the government. The Monkey King is pardoned for his previous misdeeds and is also granted a position in the palace, where he serves as a guardian.

7. The story of Journey to the West is a timeless tale of adventure, friendship, and redemption. It continues to be revered and beloved by generations of Chinese readers and has been adapted into countless film, television, and theatrical productions.




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