
更新时间:2023-10-23 19:37:43 作者:通达百科


1. The correct pronunciation of "风扇" in English is "fēng shàn". 2. The word "风扇" literally translates to "wind machine" in Chinese, and it refers to an electric fan that circulates air in a room. These fans are popular in homes, offices, and public spaces all around the world. 3. In terms of design, there are many different types of fans available on the market. Some have blades that rotate, while others use a bladeless technology to generate air flow. There are also fans that can be mounted on ceilings or walls, and portable models that can be moved around as needed. 4. Fans are an essential tool for staying cool in hot weather, and they've been used for this purpose for centuries. In fact, the first electric fans were invented in the late 1800s, and they quickly became popular in homes and businesses around the world. 5. Today, fans have evolved to meet the needs of modern consumers. Some models come equipped with features like remote controls, programmable timers, and air purifiers. Others are designed to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly. 6. Whether you're looking for a simple desk fan or a high-tech model with all the bells and whistles, there's sure to be a fan out there that fits your needs. So the next time you need to beat the heat, remember to turn on your trusty "风扇" and enjoy the cool breeze.
上一篇: 郑州大学简介




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